
We are making the following resources available to you to help in your various projects and day to day activities. If there is something else that you would like to see here, please let us know through email. Enjoy.


Over the years, Aldersoft has developed and given a number of presentations to various organizations and user groups. Please feel free to review these.

Tools and Tips

Tools – This is a collection of tools that Aldersoft, other companies, and individuals have developed to perform various tasks. For example, malware cleanups, file management, disk checking, and repairs, etc. Once again, please let us know if there are tools you feel should be added to the list.

Tips – This is a collection of various tips and checklists which we have developed to help you through setups, configurations, fixing problems, etc. If there is anything that you would to see added, please contact us.


At Aldersoft we recommend Open Source products and vendors in addition to those in the traditional marketplace. Click on the various product logos to find out more details on each product, service or companies whom we use internally and we feel provide some of the best products in the industry.